Top Questions

Check out our most frequently asked questions for immediate answers to common questions:

I’m having trouble obtaining automated gym visits/ gym visits are always pending.
Common reasons why activities may not record automatically are:
  • Location/GPS, Bluetooth and/or data are not enabled properly for the App
  • Smartphone not present or not powered on during the activity
  • Not logged into ActiveFit App at time of the activity
  • Fitness facility is not a verified facility in your profile
  • Current eligibility status doesn't allow activities to be accepted

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My SmartWalking steps are missing or not synchronizing properly.
Accuracy in step data requires your health app is synchronized for ActiveFit to receive accurate steps. If you have a wearable device it must be synchronized with your health app since steps are not obtained from the wearable itself. Verifying accurate steps in your health app before opening the ActiveFit home screen will ensure data is updated and accurate. See our full FAQs for more details.

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I don’t see SmartWalking option in my app.
The SmartWalking feature is provided at the discretion of each group. Contact your HR department if you have questions.

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Why is gym membership pending?
In order to obtain credit for gym visits, we must receive verification of your active membership from your gym. Membership status remains pending until your gym confirms your membership for us.

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How can I add another gym/facility?
If you already have a gym designated, you may add/remove additional facilities through the My Facilities tools in the Member Portal and mobile app. If you do not have a gym designed, you will need to add your first facility through the Member Portal.

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When should I expect to receive my incentive?
Your incentive will be credited to your account within 60 days following each month you reach your incentive goal. Typically, payments are paid near the end of the month, and you will receive an email when incentives are issued. In some cases, depending on your paper bank statement cutoff date, the credit may not appear until the following month.

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I’m seeing a message in the app that it cannot retrieve my data.
Each time the app is opened it makes a call to our servers to request the most current data for your account. Connectivity & server issues can cause intermittent slowness with this process. If the problem persists for you after you have changed locations to an area with “more bars” please contact us using the Need Help form below.

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